We can move from one thing to the next without stopping to witness the magic all around us. It's happening, we just need to slow down to access it. This journey is all about awakening to our Soul’s purpose, becoming your own healer, tapping into untamed self-love and witnessing all of the ordinary magic that transforms our day to day lives.
I invite you to make accessing this website a little ritual for yourself.
Take a moment to get grounded and centered.
Sit (or stand) up nice and tall wherever you are. Imagine there is a string attached to the crown of your head lifting you up towards the sky.
Feel your forehead soften and smoothen.
Perhaps your lips and teeth part a bit so your jaw can fully relax.
Allow your shoulders to drop a little more.
Create some more space between your earlobes and shoulders.
Feel the expansion from your heart center as you drop your energy from your head to your heart.
Your only job now is to breathe and receive.
Close your eyes and take at least three deep breaths.
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